Prenuptial Postnuptial Agreements

Let us be your voice, your adviser and your advocate.

Positioning Marriage For Success With A Prenuptial Agreement

Complicated high-asset portfolios and other unique considerations need not affect your marriage. Rather than let those issues distract your focus from your marriage, you can address them now through a marital agreement that just might preserve your net worth in a divorce. What is a high-asset portfolio?  Just ask yourself if you could afford to lose it in a divorce. If the answer is “no,” it is vitally important you protect it.

Our family law attorneys here at Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, in St. Louis, Missouri, can provide your marriage with the support and protection it needs before your wedding and after it, especially if your marriage ends in divorce. Whether you seek a prenuptial agreement or a postnuptial agreement, you can count on our firm’s experienced lawyers to provide you with the insightful representation you need.

Drafting And Review Services Informed By Trial Experience

With more than 60 years combined experience among them, our firm’s attorneys understand how assets can affect a marriage. They regularly try cases and understand where other agreements have gone wrong as well as where other agreements have been effective.
We draw on that knowledge to provide you with prenuptial and postnuptial agreements designed to safeguard your marriage through the effective allocation and memorialization of rights and obligations. We also draw on that knowledge when reviewing marital agreements so you can better understand your rights either in anticipation of a marital dispute or during the resolution of one.
Our attorneys deliver those services by working with you directly. Because every case is different, we work closely with you to identify and address those specifics that can make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful prenuptial or postnuptial agreement.

Learn More About Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreements

Creating a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement takes an experienced attorney who understands the complexity of property issues in a marriage. Learn how we can help you create a strong agreement by meeting with us. We invite you to schedule a initial consultation with our office by calling 314-202-5866. If you prefer, you can instead connect with us online.

Modifying a child custody arrangement requires court approval. If one parent opposes the change, litigation may become necessary. The attorneys at Grant, Miller & Smith represent parents seeking to request or oppose custody changes.

Blog Posts About Pre/Postnuptial Agreements:

  • 3 things you cannot include in your prenuptial agreement
  • Family law issues: The role of a prenuptial agreement
  • More couples choose to seek a prenuptial agreement