Drug Crimes

Let us be your voice, your adviser and your advocate.

Protecting Your Rights After A Drug Charge

Drug crimes make up a significant percentage of the cases in Missouri’s criminal justice system. On average, more than 35,000 drug-related arrests take place in Missouri each year.*

Charges can involve street drugs — such as heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamine — or prescription drugs. The consequences for a drug conviction range in severity from diversionary treatment programs (drug court) for nonviolent offenders to lengthy prison sentences for high-volume dealers.

Results-Oriented Guidance

Dealing with drug charges requires familiarity with criminal law and procedure. The Fourth Amendment and its long history of convoluted case law are particularly important. Your constitutional rights may factor heavily into charting a strategy for success.

The attorneys at Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, possess a thorough mastery of the nuances involved in drug crime defense. The firm’s attorneys have more than 60 years of criminal defense experience between them. As skilled trial attorneys who appear in court on a daily basis, they provide results-oriented guidance for those facing drug charges at the state or federal level, including:

Exploring Every Opportunity For Success

Depending on your circumstances, you may have many different opportunities for protecting your rights and pursuing a strong defense. The lawyers at Grant, Miller & Smith can take a close look at your case to examine key questions such as:

If handled correctly, these issues could form the basis for a favorable plea arrangement, reduction of the charges, avoidance of significant jail time or even outright dismissal of the charges. The firm’s legal team can help you take full advantage of every opportunity for success in your case.

Contact Our Drug Crime Attorney Today

Please contact Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, at 314-301-8846 for a consultation. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, the firm handles drug crime defense throughout the region.

*Source: Missouri State Highway Patrol Statistical Analysis Center