Maintenance (Alimony)

Let us be your voice, your adviser and your advocate.

Advocating For Your Financial Well-Being In Alimony Disputes

While dual-income households are more the norm than the exception these days, alimony still has a place in divorce negotiations. When one spouse is required to prioritize family over career, this spouse’s long-term earning potential takes a hit. Alimony, also known as “spousal maintenance,” can be used to offset this negative impact.

Unlike child support, however, there is no formula that Missouri’s family court judges use to determine a monthly payment. If you are seeking or challenging a spousal maintenance award, you have to provide persuasive evidence to support your claims. At Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, our attorneys have the skill set necessary to achieve your goals at the negotiating table or in court. They bring decades of experience to each divorce-related matter they address.

The Types Of Alimony Available In Missouri

Missouri judges not only have discretion over the amount awarded but can also determine the duration of the award. If you are petitioning for financial support, you may qualify for one of these types of alimony or a combination:

Our attorneys can advise you on your alimony options to ensure that you request the correct type for your circumstances.

The Factors That Affect Alimony Calculations

In addition to granting specific types of alimony, judges are empowered to award the amount they see fit. Factors that judges consider include:

When you hire our firm, we will take a team-based approach to defend your interests. Our attorneys are highly respected in the St. Louis metro and have cultivated an extensive professional network with experts in their field. These professionals include vocational consultants, CPAs and other financial specialists. Whether you are fighting an alimony request or petitioning for an award, we will leverage our team’s knowledge to secure a positive result.

Begin The Conversation Today

Share your alimony problems with us and learn how we can help you solve them. You can easily arrange a private consultation with an experienced lawyer by calling 314-301-8846 or 314-721-6677. Or, send us an email to discuss your case at our St. Charles or St. Louis office.