Child Custody

Let us be your voice, your adviser and your advocate.

Child Custody Attorneys With Exceptional Experience

The most important aspect of divorce is its impact on the children. No parents want their children to suffer negative consequences or difficult transitions through divorce or separation. Yet keeping a strong relationship with your children – and remaining involved in their lives – is likely your foremost goal.
At Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, we understand the stress you feel when you contemplate your children’s future and your place in it. Our attorneys tirelessly advocate for our clients who are involved in custody negotiations and disputes in the St. Louis metro. For parents, stepparents, grandparents and other concerned family members, we have provided solace and skilled legal counsel during challenging child custody matters.

Struggling to defend your rights in a custody or visitation dispute? Consult with a seasoned attorney at our firm and begin working toward a positive resolution.

A Strong Background In Understanding Children’s Needs

Our legal team understands the complexities of child custody. Attorney William Grant has more than 35 years of experience in child custody and juvenile legal issues. Both of these areas revolve around understanding children’s needs and best interests. Mr. Grant’s experience as a guardian ad litem (court-appointed representative for children) enhances his perspective on Missouri custody law and procedures. Likewise, attorney Henry Miller has extensive experience handling complex child custody issues as both an advocate and guardian ad litem.

As a recipient of the Guardian Ad Litem of the Year Award through the St. Louis Family Court, attorney William Grant possesses an extraordinary level of experience handling custody-related issues from all angles. When you hire our firm to handle your child custody matter or another family law concern, you gain access to highly esteemed attorneys who are ready to assert your parenting rights throughout your divorce or modification case.

Understanding Custody Arrangements

Missouri family law recognizes two aspects of child custody – legal and physical. Legal custody refers to parental decision-making authority regarding major decisions in the children’s lives. Physical custody refers to actually living and spending time with the children.
Missouri law starts with a presumption in favor of joint legal and physical custody. However, certain situations may call for sole custody. You can rely on our attorneys to provide detailed guidance on how the law affects your custody and child support options.

Designing A Parenting Plan That Encourages Stability

In Missouri, parties involved in custody cases must create a parenting plan before the family court judge will approve the custody agreement. Plans should include information regarding:
Our attorneys know how to design parenting plans that promote stability for children transitioning from a single household to a two-household life. We customize our plans to suit your children’s needs and your concerns. Having represented countless families in the area, our attorneys are able to identify areas of conflict and design strategies for avoiding disputes, which can save you time and money in the long run.

Grandparents’ Rights, Third-Party Custody And Same-Sex Couples

In addition to representing biological parents, our firm’s attorneys handle custody-related issues for grandparents and other third parties who may be entitled to visitation rights. They are also intimately familiar with the unique custody challenges that same-sex couples face.

FAQ ___

Answering Your Custody Questions

We know that it can be overwhelming to navigate the legal process to secure custody or visitation rights. We want to help you make smart decisions before you take legal action, either in negotiations or in court. Please read our answers below to the frequently asked custody questions that we hear during client consultations.

It depends. Each family’s set of circumstances is different, so it makes sense that each case will conclude on its own schedule. In general, when both parties agree to terms, the process can be streamlined. For example, an uncontested divorce can be finalized in as little as 45 to 60 days.

When children and complex assets are involved in the split, these factors can complicate the process. Both parties will need to agree to terms for custody, financial orders of support and property division. If they can’t, it can take considerably longer to resolve a divorce dispute in court. A contested divorce may take six months, but it can extend beyond a year in highly acrimonious situations.

No. Inheritance is not considered marital property, which refers to possessions, assets or other properties acquired during a marriage.

You might. Unlike an inheritance, a pension or retirement benefits could be considered marital property. If your employer added to your pension during your marriage, you could be required to share your pension with your soon-to-be-ex.

This can be a difficult issue to resolve without an attorney’s help. We can advise you on your options whether your pension is vested or unvested.

The terms of child support, child custody and visitation agreements can be modified to reflect a change in circumstances. Spousal maintenance may be modified unless the parties agreed to a nonmodifiable agreement. The terms of the property division agreement cannot be modified.

Before you sign the terms of your agreement, it is critical to have an attorney review the terms of your contract to see if they serve your best interests.

child custody attorney st-louis

Learn More On How We Can Help You

You should never leave the all-important issue of child custody in novice hands. Instead, contact the experienced lawyers at Grant, Miller & Smith, LLC, at 314-202-5866 or through this online form for a consultation to discuss your situation.