Let’s Talk

Insights that drive business outcomes

Building Performance analyzes data and equipment behavior in the context of the overall system to see what is happening in your building. Unleash the power of building data to uncover hidden information leading to knowledge about opportunities for improvement.
Transform data into intelligence.


Get a clear picture of performance — and drive measurable results.
Energy Performance is a cloud-based building energy management system (BEMS) designed to uncover energy waste in every corner of your building. Discover hidden savings opportunities with aggregated building energy data, followed by ongoing assessments by Boland building professionals.
Harness your building’s data and see potential savings with:


Visualize the potential in your building.
An Energy Assessment identifies how a building uses energy, which provides a baseline of performance to show the potential for improvements and progress. Our building professionals utilize advanced tools to visualize and measure your building’s energy profile and transform that data into meaningful information.
Make the invisible, visible. 

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